Maternity Leave and My Best Un-Planned Plan

Well, maternity leave for me has begun a little earlier than expected! My best un-planned plan showed me that no matter how well you organize your life sometimes things have a different way of working out. I thank God that my original plan for a home birth did not work out, however, since both baby and I had some medical complications that could never have been predicted. Due to his unexpected arrival and wonderful Mother's Day gift on 5-10-15, I will be on Maternity Leave from Professional Organizing until later this summer. I anticipate going back to work towards the end of July / August.
As far as blogging goes, I will do my best to post some projects as I complete them, but anyone who has ever had a baby knows that baby's can disrupt the best laid plans at any moment, so I thank you in advance for your patience. Once we get our routine down I am sure that I will be able to post more frequently.
Thank you to those of you who prayed with us (and for us) as we recovered in the hospital last week. It's still an uphill road to recovery for me after severe blood loss and an emergency surgery 3 days post-birth, but baby and I are headed towards "normal".
Take care and feel free to email me if you would like to try to schedule Professional Organizing services for later this summer.