Thursday S.T.Y.L.E. {my last one!}
{Link Party Announcement}
Hey Readers! I want to let you all know that this will be my LAST THURSDAY STYLE post.
I have decided to take a break from hosting link parties to focus more on my Professional Organizing Business and Blog writing. So, what does this mean for you? Well…
I will definitely still keep posting as usual – my blog is NOT going anywhere! In fact, I will have more time to devote to QUALITY posts that will be helpful and relevant to my readers. The other hostess’ will continue to host Thursday STYLE, so definitely keep linking up with them. In fact, I might be linking up with them occasionally too! 🙂 Okay, enough about my plan for life…on with the Party!
Before you link up we ask that you:
1. Follow each hostess’ blog through some form of social media:
Amanda Michelle @ Well-Groomed Home
Twitter / Facebook / Google+ / Pinterest
Katie @ Addicted 2 DIY
Twitter / Facebook / Google+ / Pinterest
Melissa @ A Prudent Life
Twitter / Facebook / Google+ / Pinterest / Instagram / RSS
Angela @ Life in Velvet
Twitter / Facebook / Google+ / Pinterest / Bloglovin’ / Instagram / RSS
2. No give-aways or things for sale, please.
3. Link back to this post by inserting the URL or by grabbing my button below:

<div align="center"><a href="" rel=”nofollow” title="Well-Groomed Home"><img src="" alt="Well-Groomed Home" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
4. Remember link party etiquette and visit some of the other blog posts, as well.
Most Clicks:
Hostess Picks:
Well-Groomed Home’s Pick:
Addicted 2 DIY’s Pick:
A Prudent Life’s Pick:
Life in Velvet’s Pick:
Congrats everyone!! Such awesome stuff. Don’t forget to grab the button below if you were featured!

<div align="center"><a href="" rel= "nofollow" title="Well-Groomed Home"><img src="" alt="Well-Groomed Home" style="border:none;" /></a></div>
Here are some STYLE-ish posts from your
hostess’ (click the picture to visit the post!)
Well-Groomed Home
Addicted 2 DIY
Life in Velvet
A Prudent Life
Follow our Pinterest group board for the latest on featured posts from the party each week. I hope you enjoyed the posts from last week and the submissions from each hostess.
Now let’s see what you styled this week!
Hello cute lady! We are so thrilled to be featured at your party! Thank you. I love stopping by your party each week. Please come and party with us . We would really appreciate it. http://LOULOUGIRLS.BLOGSPOT.COM/
Happy Thursday! Lou Lou Girls